Sunday, August 6, 2017

Birth Story Volume 4!! Claudia Joy

~~πŸ’πŸ’Claudia's Birth StoryπŸ’πŸ’~~

Tuesday, July 25, my family was down in Phoenix waiting for my arrival. They were staying at a hotel, not too far from the hospital. My Grammy, Papa, Auntie, Uncle, and cousins all came down to see my family. We ate lunch together and went to a mall to walk around. My Auntie wanted to entice me to come by making Mommy walk all around the mall. Well, it didn't work, but Mommy had really strong contractions that didn't stop until she rested. After walking around the mall a bit my Auntie, Uncle, Papa, and cousins went back to my house in Kingman. My Grammy stayed with my family. We had one yummy supper at Claim Jumper and then my brothers went swimming for several hours. Mommy and Grammy rested a bit.

The next day, we went to Del Taco, my big brother Titus' favorite place. After lunch, we went back to the mall so Mommy could get a pedicure. She likes those when she has a baby in her tummy. When we got to the nail place, Mommy put her name in and we were going to go to a fun play area so my big brothers could play while we waited. They had fun playing, but Mommy wasn't feeling the best. She wasn't sure if I was coming or not so she started timing contractions. It was about 3:20pm. Mommy noticed they were between 4 and 5 minutes apart and lasted 45 seconds. Because my big brother came very quickly, she wanted to make sure we made it so she told Daddy she wanted to go to the hospital. So we all left and Mommy texted our good friends' Mommy to come and get my brothers. We went back to the hotel to get the hospital bag and Titus' medical things and off we went to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, Daddy dropped Mommy, Grammy, and me off and went to park the van and wait for Megan to pick up my brothers. Mommy got checked in and was taken to a room. Grammy waited for Daddy to come back.

Mommy was having contractions all the while. The nurse came in to get Mommy checked out. She checked her weight, blood pressure, and my heartbeat. She was having a hard time finding my heartbeat so she had another nurse come in to try. She couldn't find it either so they call a nurse to come with an ultrasound machine. The nurse called the doctor in. That's when the doctor told Mommy that I didn't have a heartbeat. Mommy and Daddy were so sad. But Mommy was still having contractions. Mommy wasn't even in the birthing room yet. It took almost an hour for our room to be ready. Finally mommy was able to walk to her room. It was a big room. Once she was settled, the doctor came and talked about how Mommy wanted me to be born. Mommy wanted me to come just like my two older brothers were born at home. The doctor was concerned about Mommy losing too much blood after I was born because I had so much water and swimming space so Mommy agreed to an IV lock. Like an outlet for an IV to go if needed. Mommy had contractions that were close together. She wasn't timing them anymore but they seemed to be every 1.5-2 minutes apart. Mommy notices that the contractions during my labor are similar to Mommy's labor with my big brother Solomon.

The doctor came in to check on Mommy and asked if she wanted Mommy to break her bag of water at all. Mommy gave her a time of 9:30 if I wasn't born by then. It was about 7:30 at the time. About 9:15 or so Mommy felt different. She started feeling like she needed to push, but couldn't. When the doctor came back in she told that to her and the doctor offered to break her bag of amniotic sac. Mommy agreed. She told the doctor she felt the sac being intact was keeping her from pushing me out. So the doctor broke my sac. It was very tough. It took her three tries. Mommy had a lot of fluid!! When I was born it was almost triple the highest level it should be!! When the doctor broke my water only about one quarter of the fluid came out. Mommy felt her tummy and was surprised at that. She thought I would come right out!! The doctor told Mommy she would come back in 45 minutes or so to check on her. Mommy told the nurse that she was in transition for me to be born. She was cold and her legs were shaking. She knew what that meant. She told the nurse so she left to get Mommy a warm blanket. While she was gone I was ready to come. Mommy had a strong contraction so she screamed in pain. The doctor heard me and told me she would check on me. As she was coming in, Mommy yelled, "she's coming!!! She's coming!!" The doctor knocked everything off the wall grabbing gloves just as I came out. I was born into the bed and after me came all the rest of the extra fluid!! The doctor said it was like a wall of water and she'd never seen it before!! It took quite a while to clean and dry everything off. Daddy got to cut the umbilical cord, which the doctor said was wrapped around my neck twice tightly. My mommy and daddy think that is why I didn't make it.

Finally Mommy got to hold me!! She was so happy and sad all at the same time. I had a head full of dark hair!! Mommy loved that!! My skin was so thin that anything more than a super gentle touch made it tear. My skin even tore from just being born!! I came at 9:41 on July 26, 2017.

Mommy held me for a while, then gave me to Daddy while the doctor worked on getting my placenta to come. Because all my brothers came really close to their due dates, and I came early, my placenta wasn't ready to come yet. The doctor was concerned that because Mommy was so big with fluid, that she could hemorrhage so she agreed to get some medicine called Pitocin to help my placenta come and help keep me from bleeding too much. After a half an hour, my placenta still didn't come so the doctor had to go and get it. It hurt Mommy so much. Much more than me being born. It took several tries before she got it. Mommy's tummy hurt really bad for a while after.

Guess who was waiting to see me while Mommy was being taken care of by the doctor?? My big brothers!! If I wasn't already dancing around in heaven, I would have loved to see them and smile at them too!! My brother Solomon was kind of shy to see me. He's the littlest and all this crazy stuff going on was hard and he missed being at home and with Mommy. Josiah and Titus were very excited. They got right up on Mommy's bed ready to hold me. Mommy gave me to Josiah first. He was very gentle and held me very close. Titus had some help from Mommy holding me. He liked beeping my nose and putting his finger in my mouth. I got a kiss on my head from both of them!! Soon Solomon got a little less scared and sat next to Mommy while she held me. I even got a kiss out of him too!! Miss Megan was so kind to bring my brothers to see me. She took them back to her house for a sleepover soon after. She was so brave, she even gave Titus his medicine!! πŸ’‰πŸ’‰

Soon the nurse took me out for a bit to get my picture taken, my height and weight, as well as a hand and foot imprint. That made my super tender thin skin tear all over. That made Mommy sad.😒😒 I was 14 inches long and 2lbs 4oz. Mommy fell asleep while I was gone. Daddy was awake when the nurse brought me back and held me a while longer.

Mommy got woken up really early, at 5:00 in the morning!! The nurse said we had to move to another room. So Mommy, even though she was very sleepy, was wheeled to a very small room. She stayed there and rested more until she was ready to go about 12:30pm.

Mommy is very sad that I can't be with them, but so happy I'm in heaven waiting for her!! Mommy didn't want to have to make any hard decisions regarding my care and God helped her by making the choice for her. She wanted me to share my birth story so she would remember all the details as well as be able to share with my brothers when they get older. Mommy and Daddy are so thankful for everyone that prayed for me and for them. πŸ’πŸ’