Monday, April 13, 2015

We're Climbing the Ladder!

About two months ago Matthew and I set a goal.  We have a big project to pay for, the birth fee to be able to have baby #3 at home. So far the postings on Craig's List haven't panned out.  We had a garage sale in April that gave us some but nothing substantial.  However, God is an amazing God and much bigger than we can imagine.  I started babysitting a baby a few months ago a few days a week.  That has definitely helped.  Now, starting today I am babysitting a toddler five days a week for the next six weeks!!  Even though it's just temporary the timing could be more God orchestrated!!  He's a few weeks younger than Titus but the size of Josiah!!  He's adjusting very well for it only being his first day.  With the income to help, we are kicking in about half from our taxes(we really didn't want to pay the midwife directly with all tax refund money), the midwife will be able to be paid in full by the time I'm 36 weeks!!  What a huge blessing and a load off our shoulders!!  Two months ago I wasn't even sure we were going to be able to have him at home, but God isn't good, he's great!!(To quote Tony the Tiger) We are going to have a garage sale the first Saturday in May just to have a little extra for the birth kit we need to buy soon as well as a non insurance covered third trimester blood test.  It's so exciting to be able to trust God in times of uncertainty and then praise Him when He answers our prayer and takes care of us!!  Stay tuned for more updates on Baby #3!!