Friday, November 2, 2012

Excited about messy diapers!!

I am one crazy person you might be thinking.  Who likes to change poopy diapers?  well, I've come to see a trend in my day.  I really do breath a sigh of relief when that odor comes wafting to my nose.  With pregnancy it could be from a completely different room!  That relief is coming from realizing that once I change and clean out his poopy diaper, he's done for the day!  Then, like today, I get thrown a curve ball and bam!  What?  I think.  How can he have another messy diaper?  He already had one today.  He has a very reliable schedule of one per day!  Then I remember the menu from yesterday and realization sinks in.  Oh yeah.  I told myself to expect this.  But then I know after round two that it's been a long time since there has been three rounds, so I'm safe for the day.

As a cloth diaper mamma, these messy diapers mean a lot more to me than disposable diaper mammas.  Mainly because I have to actually clean out the diaper in the toilet before the diaper work is done.  However, when I get blessed with a messy diaper that comes clean quite easily, I throw a silent cheer as the next time I might not be so lucky and could end up with a mess on my bathroom floor.  The good old diaper sprayer.  

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