Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Third Pregnancy in Three Years!

Whew! Life is going by super fast!  It seems that not too long ago I was planning my wedding and then getting ready for a new baby.  Now I'm pregnant with baby number three!! So far, in the beginning, I've felt great!! My first clues to pregnancy with the first two was exhaustion.  I could barely get up in the morning and with my first I was going to bed at 8pm!  This time around I had just had a tonsillectomy and was recovering from that when, even though it was early, I took a test.  I was pretty sure it would be negative as I didn't feel extra tired or hungry.  It was super hard to tell, but I thought I saw a faint shadow.  I wrote it off a negative.  Something in me decided to take another one that evening.  My mom, Matthew and I were babysitting some friends kids so it was the perfect time, right? Well, for some unknown reason, this test was POSITIVE!!  I was through the moon!! I couldn't believe it.  I had a special reveal to Matthew that I had planned and knew that having 5 kids in the house was not the right time to share the news.  That was so difficult to wait.  Well, once the kids we were babysitting went home, I finally got to put the movie in "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and had Josiah hand him his dessert, a cookie, and a razor.  His tradition has been that when we're NOT pregnant he wears a goatee and when we find out we're pregnant, he shaves it off.  I know, silly, but fun for us!  At first when Matthew saw him following him around with a razor, he almost chewed him out, but when he saw the movie come on he asked me if it was really true.  I excitedly told him "yes!"  My mom was also with us, but as her sight isn't the best she didn't get the meaning behind the movie and especially the razor.  I brought Josiah over to me and whispered to him to go tell Grammy(my mom) that mommy has a new baby in her tummy.  He did very well and as with my other two pregnancies her first words reacting were, "Are you serious?!" Mostly in shock.  She is very excited for us and I'm very glad to get to be pregnant for at least a few months with my sister who is coming up on the final weeks of her last pregnancy. 

Now I am a few weeks further along and I am much more nauseous and exhausted.  Similar to my first pregnancy, eating seems to help.  I'm trying to be healthy this time around as I ate terrible the first two times.  I gained ten pounds less my second pregnancy because I worked out six days a week the whole time.  I would like to gain ten less pounds this time around so in addition to exercising I am trying to cut as much sugar as I can.  I look forward to a healthy uneventful pregnancy.

 We'll see what the next few months brings.  I am planning a homebirth with the midwife that delivered my second child.  We scheduled my first 8 week ultrasound at a place in Henderson called Miracle in Progress as the midwife only schedules 20 week ones.  I just couldn't wait that long to see my precious miracle.  I promise to keep you posted...

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