Thursday, February 5, 2015

Were You Trying For a Girl This Time??

 It's official!! Our third little blessing from God is a......BOY!!!!  

Even before we knew the gender of this new little one we got so many friends and even strangers asking if we were trying for or hoping this is a girl.  My response was either, "I would really love to have another boy." or "we were trying for a baby".  The latter a little more sarcastically than I should admit.  

This time around we had the blessing of having several ultrasounds.  At just under fifteen weeks the tech couldn't tell because of the baby's position.  The next week she had us come back and a different tech couldn't quite tell but was leaning toward a girl!! She wanted to be completely accurate so she sent us to a different location where the tech was more experienced.  She had to shake and wiggle my belly to get cooperation but finally said that it is a boy!!  Well, because of the conflicting announcements we didn't put too much stock and when I was twenty weeks we went to the clinic my midwife recommended and got the confirming, "It's a boy!" It was so much fun having family there!! My parents and niece got to be there for the announcement!! 

Even when we tell them we are having a boy we get the question, "are you going to try again for a girl?" or the sympathetic response of, "that's too bad.  Boys are easier anyway"

When did the perfect family have to have one of each gender?  I'm so glad that God knows what our family needs more than what we humans think we want!! Whether God blesses us with another and it's a forth boy is not up to me or even my husband.  It's completely up to God!! Even the gender and the order of the gender of our children!!  If God chooses to bless us with a girl down the line, it doesn't make all of the children after number one to be mistakes or not good enough.  If we have five, six or seven children(no I'm not announcing a preferred number, just an example) and they're all boys, I will be the happiest mamma to be blessed with exactly what God intended!! I think to want anything different, even the gender of children, is discontentment and if you're not content with God's BLESSINGS then spend some time with Him and ask God to give you contentment and see why you're not happy.  Are you comparing yourself with "the Jones"?  Are you wanting a "mini-me"?  I look at my nieces from my younger sister and, even though they are girls, I can see the ones that resemble their dad more than their mom.  I can see in my own boys how my oldest has more physical features taking after my husband and my current youngest after my side of the family.  So many just assume any boys take after their dad and any girls after their mom.  I would get a chuckle if God blesses us with a girl and she strongly resembles my hubby!! I'm sure I would get told a lot that she would look just like me!! 

In my own heart I pray to continue to be content with the plans God has for me.  I will admit to a little disappointment when the ultrasound tech said the words, "It's a boy!!"  When the first tech said she leaned toward a girl and we were en route to the second office to confirm I was also a bit disappointed as the name I liked would have to wait.  Talk about discontentment!! So when we got a confirmed gender, I also had to really pray and trust that God has a special reason for assigning me the title of Boy Mommy.  

I remember house/babysitting for a good friend several years ago.  She has four boys and three were at home at the time.  Sometime during the week I was there I remember thinking, 'I am in waaay over my head!! I bet God's going to give me all boys!!'  Little did I know I would be right!!  There might be a mom of one or two boys that feels overwhelmed that I could encourage.  That is all I need to know that it's worth it!!  So for all you fellow "boy moms" or "girl moms" There's a special reason God is assigning you the task!! Ask God to show you what it is!!  He may not right away, but at least in the mean time you will save a lot in clothes!!

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