Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Our Next Big Goal!!

With baby number three on the way and coming soon we have been praying about what we are going to do for his birth.  We had such a wonderful experience with our midwife with our youngest(soon to be middle) that we have been seeing her for our prenatal appointments and would love to have her deliver our next little bundle.  So now the clock is ticking for us to raise money for baby boy's birth!!  
We have started by posting a few things on Craig's List that we don't really need anymore.  I think that a garage/rummage sale is in the books in the next few weeks.  I am also going to try to do a little babysitting for the next few months.
So if you could be in prayer with us that we continue to trust in God's provision and perfect plan we would be extremely grateful!!  I will be updating in the coming weeks and months!! 
For those whose glass is half empty, we do have a few alternatives as backup so we will not be left in a lurch!! Thanks for being there for us and praying!!

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