Thursday, March 26, 2015

Almost There!!

This time around time is flying! It seems that I blinked and now I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant.  He's moving around quite a bit, but in specific times so maybe that means Mamma gets a break when he's born and he will be an easy baby??  We'll see about that!!  I am really enjoying this pregnancy so far.  Now that I'm in the final stretch of Third Trimesterdom I'm feeling the end is in sight and looking forward to holding him in my arms.

I may be crazy but I'm actually looking forward to the last several weeks of pregnancy too.  Once I turned 36 weeks with Titus I started exercising more intensely and even did jumping jacks and a bit of jogging! Now while I may not go to that extreme to encourage baby to come I really want to "step up my game" so to speak.  Even though in retrospect I'm glad he didn't come when I wanted him to I sure was fit and in shape to help prepare my body for the physical demands of labor!  So come 36 weeks I will be amping up my workouts and pushing myself just a little more because the end game is so worth it! And if it actually does bring baby early as long as he's ready then GREAT!!  I felt so good after Titus' birth and recovered so much better that I will do it again!! Bring on the next 6 weeks!!

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