Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Easy Homemade Packing Tip For Really Big Packages

Today I had to wrap and package up my little niece's birthday present.  It was very fun to wrap.

She is going to LOVE it!!

It actually didn't take up the whole roll of wrapping paper.

Here's what I did:

  •  I found a grocery store in my area that still offers paper bags for groceries.  I bought a few groceries so the store would be compensated a little for the paper bags.  I wasn't sure how many I needed so I just started with four.  I will be building up a supply as I shop so I will be ready for present mailing season!
  • Next I carefully opened up all of the bags and lay them flat.

  • Next I taped all of the bags together making sure the side I wanted facing out(not the side with the grocery store name) had the tape on it to make it more secure.  I started with three and checked to see it it would be enough, but the package was too big so I ended up needing all four.  I made sure to tape all of the seams so the paper would be secure.
  • Lastly, I treated the package like a present and wrapped it.  I used packing tape and then proceeded to run out so I found some duct tape that I knew would hold it nice and tight!  

Here is the finished product!  All set to address and mail!  The grocery store I got the bags from had handles that I removed before wrapping the package and since I will be going to the post office with the package as well as most likely carrying a small toddler, I taped two of the handles right back on the package!  Besides, the post office workers will now have something to grab on to and hopefully not manhandle and tear the package!  It's also not very heavy so if you have a heavier package be careful if you're trying the handle idea.

I would love to hear what types of things you would pack using this idea!!

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